Monday, August 13, 2012

Just starting out..........

I am new to the blogging scene. My name is Tarah. I work full time as an RN and am a full time mommy to 25 month old Isabelle and 5 1/2 month old Harper. Trying to be the best mommy ever and loving every minute with my family. We are a happy family of four, trying to give our girls the best and teach them to be good people. I have been pretty exhausted lately, thinking it was most likely due to having two young children and working a lot. Now I am thinking I may have Celiac disease, which is common in my family. I am researching going Gluten free and am excited and scared at the same time. I want to be healthy for my family and to be good example to my girls. I will be posting about my journey here..........ready, set, go!